Specialist Expertise

Take Advantage of Our Specialist Expertise

In addition to our extensive disability knowledge, Culture Connex has specialist expertise in spinal cord injury, disability accommodation, Aboriginal cultural awareness and helping clients transition from the correctional system. If you need specific advice in any of these areas, get in touch with Culture Connex to discover how we can help.

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

If you’re managing a sustained spinal cord injury (SCI), Culture Connex can support you with first-hand experience and knowledge. We can guide through the recovery and rehab process, connect you with specialist organisations and provide support as you come to terms with the physical, mental and emotional impacts of your injury.

Culture Connex Specialist Expertise, Culture Connex
Culture Connex Specialist Expertise, Culture Connex

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) & Home Modifications

Experts in home modifications and specialist disability accommodation (SDA), Culture Connex can help plan, design and build tailored accessibility features for your home. With an extensive background in carpentry and construction, we tackle both big and small projects to ensure your home meets your needs while fully complying with Australian Standards.

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness

Experienced in delivering culturally sensitive services to indigenous communities, Culture Connex is proud to provide specialist support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients. We have the capacity to deliver services to remote and regional communities online via Zoom and can work with you to deliver our services in more culturally appropriate ways.

Culture Connex Specialist Expertise, Culture Connex
Culture Connex Specialist Expertise, Culture Connex

Justice System Support

We help guide participants moving out of the justice system and back into their community. This is an important time of transition and requires a specific skill set to ensure you’re connected with the right supports to help you build a new life outside the correctional system. Culture Connex has the knowledge and networks to help you with this transition.


Discover how we’ve been able to transform the lives of our existing clients.

Want Even More Resources?

Discover more by following along with our Managing Director, Jake Briggs on his YouTube channel and podcast series, ‘Keep Rolling with Jake Briggs.’ Full of tips and advice, these entertaining episodes will keep you updated on all things disability, advocacy, NDIS and more.

Benefit From Specialist Expertise with Culture Connex

Contact us today to find out how we can help you access the NDIS, get the most from your plan and deliver the services you need to get more out of life!


Culture Connex can work with you to manage your access request and get you the supports you need sooner!


Culture Connex is here to help you get the most from your plan so you can get on with living your best life!