
Culture Connex

Expert Knowledge & Lived Experience
A disability support organisation with a difference.
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Trusted Disability Services + Supports
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Expert Knowledge + Lived Experience

Culture Connex is a disability support organisation with a difference. Led by a person with disability, we know first-hand how difficult it can be to access the support you need to live a full life. That’s why we’re here – to help you navigate the NDIS, connect you with services and deliver a range of quality supports to enhance your life.

A registered NDIS provider, we work with you to tailor supports to meet your individual requirements. Drawing on lived experience and expert knowledge, we understand there is a ‘no size fits all’ approach and that your needs may change over time. That’s why we offer a wide range of services that can be delivered in multiple ways to provide the help you need.

With experience both as a participant and as a provider, Culture Connex is uniquely positioned to help you, whether you are new to the NDIS or you’re wanting to get more out of your current plan. Contact us today to find out how we can help you get the most out of life.

disability support organisation, Culture Connex

Person-Centred + Here for You

Our person-centred approach is guided by your needs and preferences so we always put you first. With your permission, we can also work with your loved ones and carers to ensure you receive the best possible support and care to meet your needs. Whatever your disability, however you access your NDIS plan and whether you’re currently in the NDIS system or not, Culture Connex is here for you and ready to help.

Culture Connex Supports

Every Disability

Including physical, intellectual, sensory & psychosocial disabilities

Vulnerable Participants

Supporting transition from the corrections system back into the community

disability support organisation, Culture Connex

First Peoples

Delivering specialist services to Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander clients

All NDIS Participants

Self Managed

We provide trusted and flexible services to self-managed NDIS participants, in line with the NDIS price guide.

Plan Managed

We provide quality services to plan-managed NDIS participants, working with your plan managers to maximise your supports.

NDIA Managed

As a registered NDIS provider we can deliver approved supports to NDIS participants with agency managed plans.

Non-NDIS Participants

Private or Lifetime Care

If you’re not eligible for NDIS support, we can deliver private or lifetime care to support daily living and enhance your life.

disability support organisation, Culture Connex

Awaiting Transition

We can provide support if you’re still awaiting full transition to the NDIS, helping you make the most of your existing funds.

Application Assistance

We can assist with your application to become an NDIS participant, guiding you through the forms and the entire process.


Culture Connex provides a range of disability services designed to grow with you. As a registered NDIS provider, we deliver approved support items across 21 support groups, with our core services covering Support Coordination, Disability Support Workers and Disability Accommodation (SDA, SIL and Home Modifications).

However, our disability services are only half the story. Unlike many other providers, we’ve been in your shoes and we truly understand the challenges people with disability face in everyday life. Culture Connex doesn’t just deliver services – we provide real understanding and genuine support, whatever your disability and whatever your individual situation.

Culture Connex is Ready to Help

Contact us today to find out how we can help you access the NDIS, get the most from your plan and deliver the services you need to get more out of life!


Culture Connex can work with you to manage your access request and get you the supports you need sooner!


Culture Connex is here to help you get the most from your plan so you can get on with living your best life!

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